From swingers clubs filled with sex-seekers of all ages and body types to libidinous limo rides, a Tokyo S&M hotel, the UK Torture Garden Club, and an amputation fetishist who gets his kicks by slicing off body parts, documentary filmmaker Raphael Sibilla teams with producer Emmanuel Prevost to offer an unflinching look at transgressive sexual practices across the globe. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
《全球一体性》是一部韩国论理,本片由导演Raphaël Sibilla执导、著名演员Kevin Aviance,Matty Jankowski参演,集合超强制作团队带来的一部高质量影片,2866电影提供的《全球一体性》相信在众多实力演员和超强的制作团队下,定能将本片打造成新一代电影的高峰。